III Jornadas Internacionales de Fonética y Fonología


Plenario 1

Día y horario: Viernes 27 de septiembre, 10.00 a 11.30

Disertante: Dra.Tracey Derwing

Título: The Interface of Teaching and Research: What Type of Pronunciation Instruction Should L2 Learners Be Able to Expect?

Resumen: In this talk, we will briefly review the current status of second language pronunciation teaching and research; given the current state of the field, what should students be able to expect of their L2 classes in terms of pronunciation instruction? What, realistically, should teachers be able to do? We will discuss the implications of naturalistic phonological development over time, and classroom intervention studies. Finally, we will also deal with ethical issues related to accent reduction.

Biodata: Es profesora de TESL en el Departamento de Psicología de la Educación de la Universidad de Alberta, Canadá. Ha investigado, en profundidad, problemáticas relacionadas con la pronunciación y el desarrollo de la fluidez de los estudiantes de segundas lenguas, y ha enfocado su trabajo en el grado de incidencia que el acento extranjero tiene sobre la inteligibilidad. Sus publicaciones aparecen en prestigiosas revistas académicas, tales como Language Learning, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, y TESOL Quarterly. La Dra. Derwing es actualmente editora de TESL Canada Journal y de Canadian Modern Language Review. (Para mayor información visitar la siguiente página: http://www.edpsychology.ualberta.ca/en/people/academicstaff/traceymderwing.aspx
Tracey Derwing is a professor of TESL in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. Together with Murray Munro, she has carried out extensive research on issues of second language learners’ pronunciation and oral fluency, particularly the extent to which accent interferes with intelligibility. Her publications appear in journals such as Language Learning, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics and TESOL Quarterly.

Plenario 2

Día y horario: Sábado 28 de septiembre de 9.00 a 10.30

Disertante: Prof. Robin Walker

Título: The pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca.

Resumen: The traditional goal for teaching the English pronunciation has been, as a minimum, comfortable intelligibility as judged by native speakers, though with an implicit goal of (near-) NS competence always hovering in the background. However, with English now being used massively as an lingua franca (ELF), spoken communication is predominantly between non-native speakers. In this context, where L1-influenced accents abound, and phonological variation is the norm rather than the exception, the principal goal of pronunciation teaching must surely be to prepare learners so that they will be intelligible to fellow non-native speakers. Can this be achieved through proximity to NS norms? Are clear alternatives available to current NS standards such as RP or GA? Is ELF pronunciation merely a lowering of standards? In this paper I will be answering these and other related questions.

Biodata: He is a freelance teacher, teacher trainer, and ELT materials writer. A former Vice-President of TESOL-SPAIN, he is the editor of Speak Out!, the newsletter of the IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group. He regularly gives talks, courses and workshops on pronunciation teaching, and has published articles on the subject in many teacher's magazines and digital platforms. He is the co-author of Tourism, a course in the Oxford University Press English for Careers series. In 2010 he published Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca, an OUP teacher’s handbook.

Diseño y Desarrollo Web: María Florencia Scolari & Analía Varela; Diseño de logo e imagen de Mar del Plata: Gabriela, Laura y Leo Arnuz